Over the past 4 years a major goal of the CHBC Committee over and above creating an awesome family club culture at the same time a professional organisation for all our members to be proud of was to secure a facility of our own that we could proudly call Home of the CHBC. A clubhouse that will not only be used as a storage facility and meeting room but would also provide our juniors with a training facility that may one day assist in boosting them onto the World Surfing Stage.

As you are all probably aware we have an amazing talent of young surfers (groms) ranging from 5 years old to 18 years old as well as our Open Club Representative team that combined have achieved and keep achieving results that continue to blow CHBC minds.

I am so excited to announce that we will proudly take ownership of our first ever Clubhouse on the 10th of October 2017 and on behalf of the CHBC committee and all our club members we can’t thank you all enough for your ongoing support!

Moving forward we need to continue to raise funds to pay off the facility and fit out and pay off the mortgage on the property as soon as we can so we can continue to support the development of junior surfing on the Coffs Coast.
On November the 5th we are holding our Inaugural Hoey Moey Coffs Harbour Boardriders Charity Golf Day which we plan to be an annual event to raise funds for our club.

Please find our invitation to our golf day (see link below) which is guaranteed to be an awesome fun filled day and we would be stoked to have you part of the day. Please fill in and send back ASAP to Coffs Harbour Golf Club to secure your team and not miss out on a great day!

We plan on holding an auction after the event so any donation big or small as an auction item would also be greatly appreciated. An updated list of auction items will be forwarded out to all in the coming weeks. FYI any Product/ Cash donations to CHBC towards our club are 100% tax deductible so please dig deep and get behind our amazing organisation by contacting me direct with your valued offer either by phone or email.

Annual Coffs Harbour Boardriders Golf Day


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