Wow, where do you start. Probably with 3 x World Champion Mick Fanning being our guest for the afternoon.

Everyone was truly humbled by having Mick there, and we thank you for your time and getting 10,000 photos taken with all the frothing groms and Mum’s and Dad’s.
We kicked off with a cool little Q & A with Andrew Lindsay and Mick.

From here it was straight down to the awards part, where in every division besides (1) it came down to the last comp, nail bitting stuff. We did have a welcome to the country ceremony and an opening for the afternoon from Ben Ferguson and there was an epic Didgeridoo solo. Thanks Ben you did an amazing job.

Before the awards were handed out we had a minute silence for Tony Glover, life member and former president in the 1960’s. From here it went to a heart felt video compilation of heaps of the young people in our club and some older ones say what they love about the club. It was great to see that everyone loved the community that is CHBC and hanging with friends and having fun was a top priority.

Geoff “Joffa” Curnow became the newest inductee into the “Life Member” club. It was great to see Geoff recognised for all the hard work he put in over the years.

Below are some great images of the afternoon and below the final results.

Over 35’s Presented by Lee Winkler, Dave our Treasurer & MF

4th place           – Adam Fairhurst
3rd place           – Garth Morrison
2nd place          -Greg Simpson
1st place           -Allan Dunn

Over 45’s  Presented by Chrissy & Craig from My Mortgage Manager & MF

4th place           -Andrew Lindsay
3rd place           – Darren Mcanally
2nd place          – Marty Brinkmeier
1st place           – Tony Nolan

Open Girls Presented by Greta Lindsay from Hello World & MF

4th place           – Cloe Nolan
3rd place           -Beck Smart
2nd place          – Carly White
1st place           – Bella Morrison

Open Mens A Presented by Twane from the Hoey Moey & MF

4th place           -Marty Peel
3rd place           -Emmett Street
2nd place          -Lee Winkler
1st place           -Ryley Smidt

Club person of the year – Presented by Johnny Macho

Voting in a 3, 2, 1 system among committee members the most votes for Club member of the year went to….
FOR TWO YEARS IN A ROW! BRYN GOODE! (Hand Bryn $100 gift voucher at Latitude 30)

Life member Presented by Bryn & Ian

Geoff “Joffa” Curnow

Best Dressed junior and senior

This went to Olive Goode & Johnny Macho

Ventoux cycle Bike raffle – presented by Emil Burton & Tracey Schultz

Pretty classic, Tracey won this again but did a very humble thing and got the bike re-drawn. Winning in the end was Emil Burton’s Dad.

MC to Introduce committee for 2020

-President                    Lee Winkler
-Vice President          Andrew Lindsay
-Secretary                   Amy Goode
-Treasurer                 Dave Vievers
-Chair Person           Lauren Nicholls
– Catering                  Muma Schultz
-Sponsorships          Bryn Goode and Baz Martin
-Event co-ordinator     Sharni Winkler
-Contest director         Ian Klaus
-Junior contest director Dan Hammond
-Senior Head Judge      Pete Lancaster
Merchandise               Steve Dean

Many other roles have been filled and we are still finalizing many – we thank everyone who has put their hand up for a role and cannot wait for 2020!

Thanks everyone – Moonee Tavern for hosting us in the final hours, Hoey Moey for making sure we were looked after, Kristy, Tracey, Jude, Sharni and Lexi for decorations and making the Tavern look soooo awesome!

A massive thanks to Mick Fanning for being a legend and giving up your time!!!!!!








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