Guided Breathwork Workshop – with Brett Burcher! Join Now – CLICK HERE

Wow what a way to kick off the CHBC year!!!!

The waves pretty well pumped the entire day. It was pretty daunting for some of the younger “groms” but a few dug in and really tested themselves in the big conditions.
Tracey our BBQ queen kept everyone from starving with a delicious array of hot food, including everyone’s favourite “Nacho’s”

It was great to see some new members and families at the first comp, it was a great vibe on the beach and also down at the presentation at the Hoey Moey.

The head judges were kept busy with our club moving to a fully computerised judging system “Live Heats”
Thanks Pete and Craig for your efforts all day.

A massive shout out to Ian Klaus who has been spending countless hours getting the new Live Heats system up and running. His new heart passed with flying colours after getting put through a tonne pressure in getting through the day. So Klausy hats off for the massive effort.

The below pics are from Jordan Goode.


If you wish to purchase any of the above photos please call or email Jordan on the below details:
Jordan is also available to do private surf shoots with individuals or families.

Jordan Goode – 0413 219 308 –
or contact through Insta –


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