It was a great day with pumping waves, light variable winds and stacks of vitamin D to recharge the body and soul.
It was great to see a few new faces and also we missed a few die hards from the Over 45’s. Shane Seccombe got his Rhino chaser into gear with a few classic late drops and long swooping turn’s. The Nolan boy’s were on fire and also Rosie Smart having a great free surf session as the comp got set-up. Grom got the wave of the day down the beach getting spat out of a solid one, he nearly ended up at little diggers. He is quite accustom to that end of the beach.
The grom’s tackled the surging conditions and ripped it apart. Wave of the day that was actually in a heat goes to Dane Magill, getting a solid left charging past his rivals Guy, Emil and Dan to burst through for a win.
It was great to have the presentation back at our favourite place The Hoey Moey. It was great to see everyone back there.
Much thanks and appreciation to everyone for sticking with the guidelines and giving us the best shot of holding further comps throughout the year.
Comp #4 for the year is set down for the 23rd of August.