– Where can I find the 2023 events calendar?
– What age division should I enter?
If I am wanting to enter the Under 12s I must only be turning 11 in 2023. If I turn 12
in 2023 I must enter the Under 14s.
– What should I do if I enter the wrong division?
You should try and enter your correct division and then email
events@surfingnsw.com.au with the division you wish to be remove from, please note
if you enter the wrong division and unable to get into your correct division we can’t
guarantee your spot in the correct division.
– Where can I find the event locations and schedule?
All Surfing NSW schedules can be found 2 days prior to event on LiveHeats this will
have what time they are surfing at, please note it can be subject to change. Event
locations will be confirmed on the day of competition by 630am. With all events
having a primary location and back up venue. You can all the hotline on 0458247212
this group will also get a message once the location and schedule has been confirmed.
– What will I find on the messaging service?
This messaging service will provide you with notifications on when events entries
open, schedule updates, event locations, last minute spots and sponsor discounts.
– How to enter an event?
This video demonstrates how to enter an event. Click Here
– Why did I get kicked out the cart when entering an event?
You will notice sometimes that you will have the ticket in your cart but then when
you go to pay it will kick you out and the waitlist will be the only thing available.
This is because it will let everyone through to payment section but the first X amount
who pay are confirmed, if the set number is then exhausted it will kick everyone else
out when they go to pay.
– Why can’t I join the waitlist?
If you have a family profile it will only let the main person join a waitlist,
unfortunately if you have a family account you won’t be able to add everyone to the
waitlist, you will need to email events@surfingnsw.com.au to join a waitlist.
(02) 9093 6035 // PO BOX 4005, Maroubra South, 2035 NSW // surfingnsw.com.au
– If I am on the waitlist, when will I know if I get in?
If you are on the waitlist Surfing NSW will be in contact if a spot opens because
another athlete is unable to attend or injury, once we get confirmation someone is
unable to attend, we will notify you straight away. If we can we will try to open up
more spots if the demand is high in one division and not in another, this will normally
be done a month after the event opens up.
– When does the heat draw and Schedule get posted?
The heat draw and schedule will be posted two days prior to the event start date.
– Can I enter an older division?
We recommend you surf your correct age division for rankings purposes, if you wish
to surf up we suggest you do it for the entire year. We don’t athletes surfing in
multiple divisions.