COFFS COAST, IT’S ON AGAIN, but this time bigger and better than ever. November 23rd is the #fightforthebight NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION!
Communities all over Australia have been running Paddle Outs throughout the year, in opposition to Norwegian company Equinor’s proposal to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight. Coffs Harbour now has the chance to become part of history and continue the fight to save the Great Australian Bight by joining in a NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION on the 23rd of November.
This movement is getting traction all around the world and now is your chance to be a part of the movement and make your voice heard.
Our oceans have given us all so much and never asked for anything in return. Not until now, our oceans are in jeopardy and crying out for help. This is our chance to stand up and show Equinor we WILL NOT allow them to destroy the Great Australian Bight, one of the most beautiful, roughest and unpredictable seas in the world. We will force Equinor to listen to us.
The time is now to draw a line in the sand: stand unified with other communities and tell Equinor that Australians have said NO, continue to say NO and will forever say NO to drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight.
This is for anyone, you don’t have to be a surfer, come out on a
kayak, sailboard, boogie board, whatever but keep it safe, or show your support on the beach.
– Meet at on Saturday morning at 10:00am for a 10:30am paddle out in front of the Coffs Yacht Club at the Jetty
– BYO signs, tee shirts
– Please try and walk or carpool
– Wear sunscreen, a hat, and bring some water
What else can you do?
– Share this event far and wide
– Sign the statement:
-Spread the word that the Coffs Coast Surfrider DOES NOT WANT EQUINOR DRILLING FOR OIL in the Great Australian Bight.