Guided Breathwork Workshop – with Brett Burcher! Join Now – CLICK HERE

With a southerly due later in the day we had our assistant contest director Steve keep an eye on the weather all week and we chose Macauleys to host our shorter club round. We just scraped through the last heats before the rain came! Great choice Stevie, it is always hard to make sure there are 2 banks contestable for everyone from our U8’s right up to Open A division.

First in the water were the Open B’s with DJ Richard Gear & Ryan Hoy flying through their quarters & semis.

In the 12 boys it was awesome to see Huywn Batcheldor make it to the final for the first time, whilst our U10 boys, U8 mixed & junior girls has straight finals.  A charging Neo Pelmore got the win in the 8’s, Austin got a late wave to take out the 10’s and Sagey White beat a very competitive field in our junior girls. Great to see all our girls be competitive and enjoy each others company in the water.

Oscar Oxenford took out the 14 boys and Max Crowley the 16 boys – all the waves caught on their recent Indo trips must’ve been the winning recipe!

Thank you to Lexie and her helpers Julz, Nik for keeping the bellies full and energy levels sustained all day – we are so grateful to you ladies.

Our crew of early morning helpers are so reliable and our days wouldn’t run on time without you, thanks to Dan for head judging again yesterday.

Next up is our camping weekend at Waves Campground – Delicate Nobby. Bookings need to be made by contacting waves directly. Don’t forget to mention you are with the CHBC crew so you can be allocated a spot with us.


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