Please stay tuned for important protocols of how the day will run with new covid safety plans required by the NSW government and surfing NSW
The rest of the comp dates are up and the website so check them out. Please note things may change so please stay tuned to stay up to date. CLICK HERE!
*Subject to change at any time, due to Covid19, please check website*
*Sunday 19th July -COMP 2 –
*Sunday 2nd August -COMP 3
*Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th -State Titles in Coffs Harbour
*Sunday 23rd August -COMP 4
*Friday 28th to Sunday 30th August -BK Memorial/Willsy’s X Groms Byron Bay
*Sunday 6th September Fathers Day
*Sunday 13th September -COMP 5
*Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th October -COMP 6/CRESCENT HEAD CAMPING WEEKEND
*Sunday 1st November -COMP 7
*Sunday 8th November Golf Day
*Tuesday 17th November AGM
*Saturday 5th December CHBC End of Year Preso