Arriving to the Coffs Harbour Golf Club before tee off was amazing, the sun was out and the CHBC team had been busy laying out the course. There was a buzz in the air with over 30 teams joining in. It didn’t take long to get all the 128 players ready to get a quick group shot and get down to business. Throughout the afternoon Ian Watson joined the crew on a few holes to check out the action.
The weather was epic for the entire afternoon and course was a delight to play. (as usual) As the teams got through the 18 holes and a few brown lemonades everyone started to pile into the club for a catch up and to get the final proceedings underway. The golf results were tallied up and winners announced. Congratulations for Billy Keen and his mates for taking out the day. After the result it was time for the auction.
Scott Nolan from Nolan Real Estate got things underway and got the crowd into a some classic bidding wars. The items that went under the hammer were:
The auction wrapped up with some amazing bidding on the Andy Irons board. It was great to see the Watson family there and enjoying some quality moments with mates and CHBC crew.
The day was a great success raising $34,250 for the family, it is so great to see our amazing club and community get behind such a good cause.
Massive thanks goes to Aaron Martin for spending countless hours organising the day! Thanks Baz you legend. Paul McAra, Kylie and the team put in a massive effort leading up and also on the day.
Big Shout out to the CHBC crew for helping Bryn Goode, Ian Klaus , Amy Goode, John Machon, Tracey Shultz, Sharni Winkler, Josie Ward, Steve Dean, Darren McAnally and all the CHBC groms.
Massive shout out to Billabong for your generosity as always. Also big thanks to Rip Curl, Hoey Moey, Bonville Golf, Coffs Harbour Golf Club, JZ Concrete and the Oxenford family for all the amazing auction items and ongoing support. Big thanks to Matt and Nick from Coffs Harbour Picture Framing for donating there time on the Mick Jersey.