We had a great turn out with around 200 people attending this years presentation. With a big thanks to our major sponsors our prize bags were packed to the brim.
This year we had new boards and coaching clinic vouchers along with a new sponsor donating a trip to their awesome resort.
It is non other than Macaronis Resort, this years winner is Daniel Garner from our Over 35’s Division, not only did “Doggo” win this epic award he also took out his division and took home a new FireWire surfboard as well. Yeeewwww!!! If you are after an epic trip check out https://www.macaronisresort.com/ they have some great deals available and are currently offering 50% off accommodation. Check out the site and get booking. Rumour has it “Doggo” and the boys are already planning a trip.
We also had a great tribute from none other than Sally Fitzgibbons https://www.instagram.com/sally_fitz/ What a legend. As i’m typing away Sally is through to the semi finals in the first leg of the women’s CT event in Hawaii at the Maui Pro presented by Roxy. Click here to check out the action – https://www.worldsurfleague.com/events/2021/wct/3615/maui-pro-presented-by-roxy
Big thanks to David Veivers for all his efforts as treasurer over the years. It was great to see the new committee and also great to see Amy Goode get “Club Person of the Year”
Thanks again everyone for the great year, we will see you all for the sign-up on Saturday the 6th of February, more details to come in the new year.